Fitz Scholarship

Msgr. Kevin O'Neill `53 Student Assistance Program

As a young man, Msgr. Kevin O’Neill ‘53 was formed in Franciscan values during his four years at Timon. In the decades that followed, there was no greater spiritual and financial supporter of Timon than Msgr. O’Neill— who continued that support with a substantial gift outlined in his will. Just as St. Francis lived a life devoted to the poor and marginalized, Msgr. O’Neill’s name lives on as testimony to the generosity of our Timon community.

Going forward, all scholarships and financial aid offered by Timon will be collected and organized under this new program. The families of every young man who walks through the doors of 601 McKinley Pkwy will now be better able to understand every scholarship and financial aid opportunity available. This reorganization also helps us find ways to quantify and then close the gap between what it costs to educate a young man—and what that young man’s family can afford to pay for that education.

As a community we are indebted to Msgr. O’Neill— for his six decades of priestly service, his final gift which allows us to help so many more young men, and most importantly his humble, Franciscan example.

Msgr. O'Neill

Available Scholarships -

Bishop Edward Head Catholic Education Endowment Fund

Buffalo Prep


Alex & Jeanette Cardoni Chess Scholarship

Cullen Scholarship

Dreamcatcher Charitable Foundation

EDCO Education Collaborative OF WNY

Fr. Fitzhenry Scholarship

Fourteen Holy Helpers

Franciscan Leadership Program Scholarship

John R. Oishei Foundation

Judge John D. Hillery Foundation

Knights of Columbus - Msgr. Nash Council

Knights of Columbus - NYC Council

Lawrence P. Bonaguidi Foundation

Marchewka Family Scholarship

Nativity Miguel - POLARIS Fund

Overdorf - Glavey Family Scholarship

Presidential Scholarship

Timon Alumni Legacy Scholarship

Timon Foundation Scholarship

Upon This Rock - Patrick P. Lee Scholarship

Vincent & Harriet Palisano Foundation

Memorial Scholarships -

Brian Bauer `91 Memorial

David Beyers `08 Memorial

Mickey Catanzaro Memorial

Friends of Robert Chambers

Fr. Joel Campbell Memorial Scholarship

Paul Fitzpatrick Jr. `99 Memorial

Ed Gausik Memorial Golf

Jack Heithaus `54 Memorial

Paul Humphrey `22 Memorial

Marie Jackson Memorial Golf

RAS Fund

Cameron Velasquez `19 Memorial

Danny Wilson `88 Memorial

Whitey Miller `58 Memorial

Whitey Miller `58 Family Scholarship

oshei crew

If you are a family interested in these and other scholarships, please complete this application.

If you would like to support our Timon Tigers, please contact Lysa Elis at 716-826-3610 ext. 246 or email for additional information.